
  • Hope School Teams

    Christian Competition
  • Boys' Soccer | Coach Zach Koole

    Boys' Basketball | 8th Grade | Coach Dan Kuiper

    Boys' Basketball | 7th Grade | Coaches Ben & Liz Cammenga

    Boys' Baseball | Coach Jon Rutgers


  • Girls' Volleyball | 8th Grade | Coach Gayle Lotterman

    Girls' Volleyball | 7th Grade | Coach Laurel Lotterman

    Girls' Basketball | 7th & 8th Grade | Coach John DeVries

    Girls' Soccer | Coach Candace Meulenberg

  • See Our Athletic Photo Gallery!

  • Athletics

    Important Information
  • Hope School provides an extra-curricular athletic program for students in seventh and eighth grades.The boys have opportunity to participate in soccer, basketball, and baseball. The girls can participate in volleyball, basketball, and softball.

    The School Board has adopted the following “Goals of the Interscholastic Sports Program at Hope School”:

    1. To offer all students the opportunity to participate in group competition with other Christian schools.

    2. To promote the physical development of the participants’ strength, coordination, muscle control, etc.

    3. To promote the social skills of the participants: ability to work together, helping one improve skills, prompting Christian attitudes toward one another.

    “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” Philippians 2:3

    4. To promote the development of Christian virtues in a competitive setting: kindness, consideration for others, humility, honesty, meekness, etc. Also, to maintain a view of spots in which a proper Christian perspective is developed. Timothy 4:8

    5. To teach children to conform to the rules of games and to obey the officials and coaches promptly and cheerfully as examples of Christian obedience.

    6. In as much as interscholastic sports can threaten the family life, particularly by interfering with meal times and devotions, practices and competitive events should be scheduled with this in mind. Generally, involvement in any sport should be restricted to three afternoons per week, including both practice sessions and games. This principle should also govern the length of the season, the number of games, and the number of hours allocated for practices and events.

    Hope School is a member of the AOK Christian League for athletics. The member schools include: Adams Christian, Byron Center Christian, Calvin Christian, Dutton Christian, Heritage Christian, Hope Christian, Hudsonville Christian, Jenison Christian, Legacy Christian, Moline Christian, Westside Christian, and Zeeland Christian.

    For further information or questions regarding the athletics program at Hope School, please contact Ron Koole, Athletic Director at 616-453- 9717.

    “For bodily exercise profiteth little, but Godliness is profitable unto all things…” 

    Athletic schedules for each sport will be made available approximately three weeks before the season begins.